Society for Rights of Indigenous People of Sarawak
To develop an indigenous community that is aware and knowledgeable about its rights and freedom as citizens of Malaysia living in Sarawak as enshrined in the Federal Constitution and based on the UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous People)

SCRIPS believes in the struggle of “Menua kitai Tanah Kita – Tanah kitai Pengidup kitai” (Our Territory is our Land – Our Land is our Life).
SCRIPS networks with various local and international organizations that include NGOs, academic institutions, donors and peoples movements which promote a similar ideology of protecting and defending the rights of marginalized groups especially the indigenous people all over the world.
Despite being the original people of their own territory, their existence is often being challenged by those in authority. The indigenous communities in Sarawak must be given the freedom and opportunity to self-determination by respecting their free, prior and informed consent based on UNDRIP which was also signed by Malaysia in 2007.

To educate the indigenous communities about their rights as citizens of Malaysia as enshrined in the Federal Constitution and based on the UNDRIP.
To provide leadership training for their community leaders – men, women and youth.
To document their community history and carry out community mapping of their territorial domain.
To preserve their culture, traditions and customs that identify them as an indigenous community.
To protect forests, rivers that are part and parcel of the life system of indigenous communities.